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tv   FOX 45 News at 10  FOX  October 10, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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no chhrges against police in the death of a teenager. (ms. turnnge/monne's mother) "and how do hey expect for me to feel about my daughttr of the young victim. e mother a shocking hit and run caught on camera.. what thh man who pas flipped into the air says he remembers aboot thh accident. aacidenn. cool temperatures some warmee weather in my skywatch forecastt forecast.and a mad dash aa tte store."whoops, gottthe wrong i" size."the reason behind a free for all at the supermarkett hello i'm jennifer gilbert. jeff barnd.../. disbelief... foo... a... mother.../ whh... learned... a... city... police officer... won't ... face... criminallcharges... for... his... ásuspectedá role.../ in... covering up... her daughter's... shootin.
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shooting. keith daniell, live at city hall with more oo a story you saw first on fox... keith keith jenniier...... today.. that officer john ward is still on administrative leave.. even though now.. he charges.... the mayor has said she's disggsted by this case... and tonight.. so is a motherr mother. edith turnage is a mmther fillld wiih anger and disbelief over a devastatiin decision.....made by baltimore city prosecutors in the mmrder 13-year-old monae turnage.(ms. turnage/monae's mothee) "and how do thhe expect for me to feel about my daughter.. insane... took her life ery freely. and everybody get off, everybbdy walk free. what kind oo stuff is that!?" turnage has leerneddthe ccty state's attorney'ssoffice will ot be filing criminal charges againss officer john
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ward. pposecctors ade the decision n august, but released theenews tuesday.. after ww called following up on the iivestigation. in a statement, prosecutors say simply.. there's insufficientt evideece tt fileecharges against wardd(ms. turnage) "i feel that he is a low downn rat!....".....ward, who's out of the eassern district, was under investigationnfollowing the mmrch shooting death of monae.. the officer was tte gun that killed the girl personal car. twooyoung boys, ages 12 and 13.. admitted killing monae. sourcesssay ward was dating the mother of one of the boys. an offfcer, seemmngly connected to the case.(ms. turnage) "whyywass the un in his personal car? what was he trying to do with it? so, he waa tryyng to cover up stuff...." still, according to prroecutors, ward is cleared of any criminal wrongdoing.. and mayor stephanie awlings blake today...respondee. (rawlings-blake) "as a mmoher,
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officer, thought of he imagine the pain that that would causeethat faaiiy. she was a beautiiul, beauuiful girl who lost hhr liff tragically, senselessly."(ms. turnage) "it's just like that &phe killed hisself, to me. fo all the cover up that he did, trigger his own seef..." tth mayor sayy ward could still face puuishment at thh department.. there's a poliie internal affairs investigation going on. livv at ity hall, keith daaiels, fox 45 newssat ten. 3 a... 16... year old... &phigh school... studenn.... and... her family... wants... your help... to... fight back...////. back...////.janice... livv... in the newsroom, .../ with... more... on the search... for.../ ah--jee... harrod's... killer. 3 jeff,the 16 year old ran awayy family friends tell us they were desperately trying to get her back oo track...but it would be too late....but their &pnot alone now, since sunday....lmost 11 thoussnd people are trying to help the family on this facebook find out who did this to the teen.
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from the streets. in the days since ahjee harroo's murder...detectives have been out in northwest baltimore making their presence was sunday found in the middle of the but police don't think that harrod's ody...was her purse, cell phone and money: police tell us they are having case because of the location info would be helpful. helpfullif you would like to check oot this facebook page...just head to our website fox baltimore dot com sllsh newslinks. in the newsroomm janice park fox45 news at ten. a car... dooated to hhlppneedy kids...ends up in the hands of a criminal....and the original owner.... gets a ticcet. tonight...crime and justice repooter joy lepoll uncovvrs &pnnw nformationabout how the &pcriminal got tte carr.. and why the city says there's nothing thhy can do too fix it. it.
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nationwide the number of people sickened by a deadly dozen deaths. deaths. health officials say about 15- hundred marylanders may have bben exposed to uugal meningitis through tainted steroid injections.there are now 9 confirmed cases in pprssn as died here.thh medicaaiin, used to treat back pain, was ade by a shipped toomedical facilities the... state lawmaker... ptruck... a... plea deal... two... criminal cases.../ is... suspendee... fromm.. office... wittout pay. pay. p--g... countt... democrat... entered... a... plea deal... tuesday...///. earlier... this year... guilty... of... using.... in... state money.../ - too.. pay... an employee... in... herr.. &p she... also.. pled.... no contest... to... using... campaign money ... exppnses. we should know more tomorrow... on that state auddt...of a prelimmnary report from state auditors has ncoveree umerous allegations of overssending.
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according to the sun... three employees earned a total of 250-thousandddollars...while working for both the school system...and statt agency.... and 14-hundred computerr... wwnt missing. (mayor) "this is dr. alonso's school board nd both of themm bear the responsiblity of assurinn thaa the money that is appropriated or our schools is sppnt wisely." wisely."the final state audit on city schoolsis expected to be released tomorrow. join... our waste watch. if... you see government aste.. call... our 3altimore dot ccm. baltimmre... city hall.../ makks... no bones... about who... they're suppooting... in the playoffs... this weekk week.//:03 nats// nats// mayor stephanie rrwlings-
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blake and the oriole bird unveiled a sign this morning wishing tte orioles hangs from theesteps of city hall.the teammhaaded out a thousand free ats and decals justin larue: 2.11 "i'm happy &pto be heee and the factt hat it's tte yankees makes t that much better."scott rouu: 1114 "everybody's happy with wwere we're at, and anything else is a bonus right now, so..." so....we are told maaor rawlings-blake does ánothhve any bet wwtt new york mayoo michael bloomberg on the onfident the birds can win in theebronx. nd aree gathered throughout the citt watching he orioles on tellviin televisiin karen parks is streamiig live aa mothee's grill in federal hill where riggt now. now.
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it. was... a... mad daah tt the register... this morning .../
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at... the... shop--rite... "whoops, got the rong size." size." the storeehosted a supermarket sweep to benefit the maryland fooddbank.contestants had 4 minutee to race through the aisles.. filling their carts with as much as they coull carry.but with every competitiin there's a evel of strategy.... ann grocery "these contestants came &prepar homework, theyyhad their lists of what aisles to hit, they hhd thhir coupons cut, they knew exactly where they were going, but whee they hit he area they wanted to hit- it was armfuls." armfuls."all contestants goo carts .... and heewinner received a shopritt gift card for 2200dollars.the store also agreed to match the contents of the winner's cart.... to bbnefit the maryland food bank. 3 why some people fake sickness... on he internet... pn our cover storyin 15 minuues on fox45 news at ten disturring aatack oo a - teacher... and who police say is 3
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more polls today......shhwing a clear surreefor republican romney.the real-clear-politics averaae of polls showw romney now with a lead of a point and &paverage today...4 show rrmney ahead. &pall eyes remain on ohio. a ámusttwiná in tte race for the white house. mitt romney is spending another day in the buckeye staae. whill the president returns to the white house after spenddng yesterday there. romney says: "if you votee or mee..ohio is going to elect me the next president of the united statess" states."obama says: "everything we fought for in
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need your help to inish whht we started." started."tomorrow night... the candidatts for vice president it right here... tomorrow night at 9...the news at ten airs right after thee debate with... plection day.../ suppprters... pnd... opponents... of... same-sex marriaae.../ rally.../ to... attract... undecided... voters...///. melinda ... roeder ... spoke.. with... &ppoth sides... today - / about... their strategy.../ for... viccory at the polls. polls. moments after governor o'malley signed a same sex marriagg became clear voters wwuld ultimaaely decide.09:22:33 "this is aa attackkby the enemy on the kingdom of god."opponentssof the law successfully petttioned - to put it on the ballot.nowwthey're it on the ballot.petitiooed - to put law successfully the kinndom of god."09:22:33 "ttis is aa tte kingdom of god."opponeets of the law successfully petitioned - to put it oo the they're carefully crafting a campaign strategy - that they hopp will help them pull ahead.thii week - they launched new ads.... airing 09:24:48-59 "it's aay: fundaaental commeecial that talks about the uniqqeness of marriige and why it's special to society... we juut donnt need to redefine marriage." put supporters of gaa marriage
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david lson: 09:38:03 "members oo ourrchurch have written articlees bben on television... to assure thh possibiiity of marriage equallty n maryllnd."minister david olson - is aaong the few clergymee who's openly debate is pushing ads tooo- this ne featuring baltimore ciiy councilman bill cole.... (nats of ad) ittis thee rght thing to do for all marylanders"both siiessare bettinn on their bbliefs. both tossinggaround terms - about saunders: 9:19:58 "we have to know that e're not alone inn this... because thh opposition will make us feee hypocritical."ezekial jackson:: (bite from 9/27 pkg) "well this is about fairness and equality... no matter what your situation is or who you
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are..the latest polls show the race shouud be close. so both both ides arr on a mission this month --to get theer messsge across to voters. melinda roeder - fox 45 news if... voterss approoe... same-sex marriagg.../ we'd... be... the first state... to... ádoá soo ... at... the bbllot box...///. the issue of same sex marriage will e the topic of tte next live... by going to fox and... clicking on town hall... in our hot topics sectioo...//.you... an go there now... to watch past town hall meetings dreem act. and the dream act has won support from the catholic chuur. church..baltiiore's archbishop in favor of he ballot question calling for in-state tuition for illegal immigrants "our parisses, schools, to our society." ive back
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societyy" lori as joined by protestant ministers from a number of penominations at today's news ponference at morggn state universsty. the... political... war of words... over... expanded gambling.../ continues... to... rack up... big billl. pills."commercial nats" nats" supporters... 35-million dollars...///.penn 3 nntional... spent 18-million.../ on... tv commeecials../ .urging... parylanddrs... to... vvte seven..../ penn natiooal... owns ... hollywood cassnoo.. in... raccway p.g. county. is stackee against us as the legislation and the question standsstoday in fronttof
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voters and so we beliive vottrssneed to say no or we're asking voterssvote no and return the legislators to thee drawingg board." board."m.g.m... has already maaylanders... to vvtt yes.../// we have... a lot ore storiee ...about the election... on ourrwebsste...///.just go to... fox-bbltimore dot com... / click oo... vote 2012 in the hot topics pection of our websste 3with... the... growing number of casinos... in maryland... / medical ... experrs say ... gambling addiction.../ - is... a....sure bet..../ bet..../myrannaastephens is live ootside the university of with a new program that's e... - offering help. myranda? &pmyrandd?jenniferrand jeff, yo may havv seen the national hotline for gambling addiction lottery tiiket or in a casiio. in the past... marylanders who called that number may have ttlked to someone in louisiana. but thanks to aanew program... they can now get this buildingg
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3 nats of casinns as theenumbee of casinos n maryland continues to grow... so does &pthe need foo help... for thos of lady on phonn!!the uuiversity of maryland school of meddcine recently opened iis new center on ppoblem gambling. according to studies... about -perceet off all marylanders have some typp marylann school f medicine:: 3653 it can bb very different for ifferent peopllebut really the bottomline is thaa the gammling is no longer just hhving sooe sort of a neggtive impact in your life 06 with a one-point-sixxmillion dollar contract with thh statt... the center will provide álocalá the natiooal gambling hotline. joanna franklin/center on problem gamblinn: 4752 they've got a trained professional to take the call 24/77 and thhn referrthem to clinicans that we've trainee up on how to help people who have gaabling po classrooms. the center's pther focus is addressinggthe
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problem innyoung people. 4807 a lot of staaes don'' pay attention to teenagers and the youth today beiig raased with gambling messages all around them 15 they have at least dduble the addlt prevalence rate. 18 so it's not going to be a 3.4 it's going to be close to 7 pprcent for the kids at a minimum 23and with ttis novemmer... to expand gambling in maryland....and add table games... officials wwrry the need for heep... may do know that should it pass, we'll find more problem gamblers, not ten ttns, but they'll be bit of a jump up, buttthe good news that goes more help 47 to find out more about the center on problemmgambling and the hotllne... justtgo to our web sitee...foxbaltimore-dot- com-slash-neesliiks. live in dowwtown baltimore, ms, fox45 news at ten. - 3 3 3 3 3 3
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3 3 3 a jogger hit by a
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thattshocked 10 minutes on fox45 news t ee 3aad why some people on the internet...may be pretending they have life treetening our cover story barnhill: you hear a lot of talk about question seven...
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so let me tell you what i know: if question seven passes, my company's going to... bring table games, like blackjack and poker... right here to baltimore. a twenty-five million dollar investment... that'll create five hundred new jobs. all right here. today, marylanders are spending $500 million gaming...
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in other states. let's keep it here. i'm chad barnhill, and we're ready to build right here. we're ready, and it's real. and all that has to happen... is question seven. you probably knnw y can't believe everything that's posted on social edia. 3& linda schmidt... tells us ...why.../ people... on line.... / who...
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áappeará... too.. be sufferiig...from... aa.. disease...// may bee 3 a jogger hit by a car... ann
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the driver flees. what happened minutee later that &pshhcked police.. a beating caught on attack on a teacher... and whh police saa is respoosible. 3 3 3 3 it's heavy lifting. enator named ben. by getting bwi-marshall funding for new runways, he's helping us serve 21 million passengers a year, which helps keep 100,000 jobs that depend on the airport,
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and that means more cargo for more businesses and more skycaps unloading more taxis... welcome to bwi. ...carrying families with more luggage. thanks. it's like he's out here with us. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i approve this message. as a pastor, my support for question 6 is rooted in my belief that the government should treat everyone equally. i would not want someone denying my rights based upon their religious views, therefore i should not deny others based upon mine. it's about fairness. this law does not force any church to perform a same sex marriage if it's against their beliefs. and that's what this is about. protecting religious freedom and protecting all marylanders equally under the law. join me in voting for question 6. terrifying...
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moments ...caaght on... of... a norrh carolina man../.involving... a... hit and run,...///.. pun,.../// can see shaun lewis jogging across the turns aroond... and is hit by the car... knocking him intt t windshied....nd hrowin &phim into the air.the driver stops and gets out... but thenngetssback in the car, and minutes,,lewii gets up and walks away.he says hhedoesn't remember getting hit. "i remember waking up; i was
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bleeding. my hhnd was all messed up. my leg was messed up...he could''e helped me out some way. he didn't have to leave." police hope the footaae will help find the driver. caught on tape... / a... teechee knockkd... to thh ground in pittsburgh...///. it... happened... on a downtown street....// police sayy.. the english teacher was walking -/ - when he was blind-sided... with a punch to the face...//. a... fifteen-year old is now under arrest.../ more... teens may face chargee.../. the teacher's... now recovering....// it... was a random attack. a woman in deeroit returns to the home she ouggt.only to find that sqqatterrhas taken over.and won't leave. leave. heidi peterson always dreamed of liiing in a historic home. in may of detroit's bostoo-edisoo district for $23,000. after being away for a year, house lass week and found a apparently been there for a petersonndo?she moved in
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anyway.... with her one year old daughter. peterson says: "" hooggt if phe hhuse is not safe, how can &pthere's an issue with that. but should i lose my house too p squatter because i don't have rights to mm property or should fight to get it back." p3 a squatter doesn't have a legal rrght to the property, but under the law the homeowner cannot remove a squatter by force. in most cases, the homeowner has to evict the squatter. and3 &pthat is what peterson is trying to doo p pennsylvanii's... public... employee pension... system... has... moved to... revoke... jjrry sandusky's pensiin.../ after... in... tte... child... ssx abuse ... scand. pcandaal..//. the... p state... employees' sandusky today...// thaa,,, is crimes... triggeeed... áforfeitureá... of... hhs pension.../. the... was... senteeced ttesday.../ to... at least... 30 for... molesting 10 boys...//. sanduskk's... lawyee... says,,.. he;ll... fight...
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any attempt... to... revoke his pension. p the... ouse after... their - story... keeps changing ...about the september 11th attack.../ that killedd.. four americans. aaericans. thh state deeartment admitted they were wrong about protests related to an anti-islam video as the benghazi. ambasssdor chris stephens anddthree of his staff and security offfcers were killed when terrrrists stormed the weakly defended embassy. today congress revealed thh ambassadors officer had asked for 16 security officers, but their requeet was denied time and time again. the tate department claims there weree the benghazi consulate on t - september eleventh. to start off by saying you had the correct number and our ambassador and three other individuals are dead and three people are in thh hospptal recoverinn, because it ooly faciiiit. ome hoo that doesn't ring true with the ammricaa people. the white house still hasn't said why they also went with the false claimmabout the
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cause of the attack. one congressman ... &p says... the... white house... -. in libya.../ and... then... trieddto... cover-up theesource... of piolence.jeff abell tells chaffetz went to the middlee east country.... and found a much different story than the one toll byythe whiteehouse. house. one mmnth aater attackers ttrched the u-s &pembassy in libya....killing ambassaaor christophee stevenn and three others......there are signs that workers here were long concerned....and had aakee the state department to beef up seeuritt. weee denied and led to part of the reason that the bengaza facilitt was attacced." republican congressman jason chaffetz recentlyyvisited libya and rrturned with a troubliig story.... e insists thee u-s knew that terrorism waa pounttng in that country....but did little think theeobama aaministration - waated a narrative thattthings in libya". (aaell stand-up) "in faat, when the violence broke out, there was littll ention of a rrsing
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tide of violence in libya...instead federal o0fficials ppinted tooaa &precently-released anti-islam video or incitiig all that anger..." (clintoo youtube video) (1:25) "there is no justification for responding to this video with violence." (10:00) it was aavideo gonn awry was - misleading and pattenly faase." democrats say the rrpublican congressman who's condemning the gooernments accions....has a motive of hii own. (kutv pkg) ""here's a reason for thhs rush and ii has to do a lot more ith jason chaafetz olitical at what happened and why...." but chaffetz argues it's the white house playing political gaaes... and putting (6:18) (rawwinterview) "the obbmm administration wanted the appearance of pormalization as swiftly as possible ratter than seeurity dictating secuuity. i'm concerneddthey were making polltical decisions...."
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&plibya.....there'ssa political war being waged in theeu-s. jeff abell, reeortinn. you can listen tt the entire congreesman jason chaffetzz' interview. interview. go to... fox lick on... vott 2012... under hot topics. see the wholleinterviewwonline go to fox-baltimore dot com slass raw news and herees our question of the you think he state depprtment ignored warnings about the danger n llbya? here's a look at our facebookk government didá ignooe by going to facebook dot com slash foxxbaltimore 3
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3 addicted to twitter.... why experts say it's harder too quit than ssoking cigarettes. aa accress facing a twitter off aa acialll charged debate kw@ a... tomato a day... keeps the
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doctor way....//...that... from... a... nee study... published... in the "journal... neurology."...///it finds... that eatiig tomatoes ..a..
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coulddreeuce your risk of stroke... by... uu to... á55-perccnt.á...//that's because... tomatoesscontain... a... powerful antioxidant.... for... brain health...///.the tomatoes... offer more protection than raww a new study finds some alarming facts aboot ppople whhouse twitter or facebook. people's need to check social lightinn upp cigarettt or having sex.research was chhcaao boott school of ity of busiiees...the study fiids that people can become addicted to social media bbcause its free, readilyy accessible, and harder too urn 3 carrie peirce reports ... in... tonight's... word on the web web it... all started... with a tweet. 3 3 3 word on the web.and tats your
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im arrie peirce for the carrie peirce and thats your word on the web.
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a... charity... called... pcariig is sexy"./..taaing... more than... 880 salons ... across the country, weeweee there thissmorning as "shear bella" at marley station mall in glen burnie.. opened its doorr to the big event, raising money to ffght &pbreast cancer.the styllsts ar working or free today... andd customers can get any cut hey want for ust a ten dollar donatiin..ven some men got pink highlights.the funds go plook good, feel betttr"... aa charity dedicated to improve the self image of cancer &ppatients. ((ttkk sot))(14:11) we havee on myymother's side and n my father's side. so it hits home completely as well as my salon. i treattmm salon ike my home and everyone in my salon has been affecteddby it one way or another." anothhr."the event oes until
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&p9 pm tonight at marrey statioo, and 6 other locations in maryland, innluding "eye candy" hair salon n glen burnie. whh those "zero- percent" cerdit carrs...may ánotá ee he best way to get rrd of your credit card debt... after thh bbeek i'm candace dold with your traffii edgeereport. maintenance work commute ii will be cleaning anddpainting on the southbbund lanes of 95 neaa level roaa.they will shut doww one lane of the corriior &pfrom 99m-3pm.they will also block one lane of sb 95 near oclock in the (((ess)))i will have up toothee minute traffic conditions for poot omrorow on fox45 morning news staating att5am.candace dold fox45 newssat ttn barnhill: you hear a lot of talk about question seven...
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so let me tell you what i know:
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if question seven passes, my company's going to... bring table games, like blackjack and poker... right here to baltimore. a twenty-five million dollar investment... that'll create five hundred new jobs. all right here. today, marylanders are spending $500 million gaming... in other states. let's keep it here. i'm chad barnhill, and we're ready to build right here. we're ready, and it's real. and all that has to happen... is question seven. thhir preparations today forr suuday'ssgamewith the dallas says thhy're around a four point favorite... favorite... phey go in 4-1, only a one poont losssto philldelphia keeping them from the ranks of the unbeaaenn..they managed t win on onll 3 field goals last sundayin kansas cityy bbt you nfl..ii's all about just winning... -3 meanwhile...there is a
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coaching vacancy tonight at resigged today, just twodays beforeethe start of practice... he had the job for 8 years, including the 07/08 seaaonn &pwhen he won theamerica eastt title and an ncaa tournament appearance..but innthe ofour yyars since, umbc coulddmanage only a 28-94 recorr, iicluding 4426 last yearr..assist aki interrm asis.verron an we're keeeing a lose eye on the orroles...lookkfor an update cominggup at 11:30 on sports unnimited toyota'ss.. recalling... mooe than cars.... wooldwide...// officialsssay... powwr windows... thaa could start a fire...//.so farr... no injuries...
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reported..../several models... are impacted by the recall.../ highlanders, ... corollas... and... rav-4's. banks ... are... plentt of credit-carr offers... with... eeticiig rewards,.../ cash-back offfrs,...// and... low pnterest rates. 3as patriceesanders explains... consumerrreports just anaayzed more than 50 ards, including struggling to pay off their - credit-card debt.á debt.á ((pat on cam)) roberttmuthumbi says he hasn't bouggt his kids a christmas treeein two yyars and eating out is a rare treat - all in an effoot to chip away at 10--housand dollarr in credit-carr debtt(sott robert muthumbi)"i've been really &pmaking efforts to pay them than what the minimum payment 16 and 22 percent, he says - &phe's bbrely making familles like theemuthuubis, consumer reports recommends transferring the balances to a card with a lower aar.(sot) "you can ften find cards with
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doww toozero, for balance ven at the terms beccuse they can vary a ot from ccrd to card." (v/o)yoo're often charged balance transfer fee - usually three to four percent up low apr often lasts only 12 too- 18 months. consumer reports found the chase sllte card s good for people who can pay off the bblancc quickly. it months and no transfer fees in daugherty)"but if you calculate that you won't be able to pay off your debt that quickly, you're better off with a card with a low,,fixed iiteress rate."(v/o)consumer reports found one of the best such credii cards is tte pennfd promise. it urrentll has a loo apr of 4.99 percent on transfers made before the pnn of the year and haa no balance transfer fee. be aware you need to be a member of the penfed credit union, which can consumer eports recommends he try to get another card for &pany new purchases. he'll need
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to pay hat one off in full every mooth to avoid going deeperrin debt. ((pat on cam)) ii you pay off all your credit card bills each monthh choice for you is card that 3 &poffers rewards or cashhback. express blue cash preferred. if you payya 75-dollar annual feed, yoo get six percent back at supermarkets, three percent back on gas and at department stores and one perccnt back everywwere else.patricee a ocal man is making aaname for himself on a national stage.david correy is a ssandout on theehit ffxxshow "the x actor." factor." david sings: girl hen ii ee your face.. theres notta thing i wwuld change residdnt impressed the judges whee sinning "juut the ayyyou aree by bruno mars.david drovee13 hourr through thunderstormssto get to his audition in greensboro north
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carolinaait paid off because he was sent through to thee was actually debating whether - he should try for the shot at ffme. david says -doing tv rrality shows for me, i was lways skeptical abouu them i nnver wanted to tarnish what peopll thought of me, oh that's not pespectable, i was always really cautious abbut ttat you can see david nd the on fox45. babies communicatingg.. why learninn sign language pakes hem better prepared foo kinderraten... and tte benefitss or parents too. minutes on he late edition... edition.... bad neww for utiiity bills.why it coull be an especially cootly winter for b-g-e cuuttmers. a job. the other thing one r - man has proposed besides super 3-
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it's heavy lifting. you start with a democratic senator named ben. by getting bwi-marshall funding for new runways, he's helping us serve 21 million passengers a year, which helps keep 100,000 jobs that depend on the airport, and that means more cargo for more businesses and more skycaps unloading more taxis... welcome to bwi. ...carrying families with more luggage. thanks. it's like he's out here with us. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i approve this message. in....
10:58 pm
some ... children... are... llarning how... to communicate... / before.... they... caa even speak. &pspeek. children as young as 6 months are learning how to use sign cllss helps grow their h they - vocabullry before they say pheir first wwrd... making them beettr prepared foo reading and writing in kindergarten. for many
10:59 pm
parents, sign language has made the terrible twwús go by a lot smoooher. p3 powers says:one mom ent to the docttr and sse took her child in and the doctor said úwell how do you know thatt this child has an ear ache?ú and she said úbecause she told meú and the doccorrsort of chuckled and she said oh yes she showed me right where the pain was anddput her fingers to' toggthee.' the sign language class is offered y the san diego ccntinning education system anddfunded by the community 3 3 welcome to the late edition,... i'm jeff barnd...///. &pbarnd...///. 3and i'm jjnnifer gilberr. the orioles are tied wiit the yankees right now in the two. phe rioless.. were leading in theebottoo oo thh


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